STEAM Success Stories
The evidence is clear. STEAM Project-based Learning improves student outcomes and is related to positive academic and social development. Results demonstrate growth in core subjects, but also show improvement in social-emotional learning and 21st Century Skills (communication, critical thinking, initiative, teamwork). STEAM education provides proven-to-work opportunities to strengthen essential competencies for long term success.
Demonstrating Success: How TinkRworks Impacts Education
Outcomes show a significantly heightened student interest in pursuing additional science and technology classes and also show increased desire to participate further in creative-design, assembly, and technological activities.
Survey results demonstrate significant shifts in attitudes and preferences
STEAM Success Stories: Empowering Students and Educators with TinkRworks
TinkRworks has been implemented in a variety of districts nationwide. Studies show that our authentic, student-driven approaches to project-based learning improve student outcomes.
What Our Partners Are Saying
"The program helps students to approach problems and learn how to persist. They learn by making mistakes and problem solving. This is how innovation happens and this is what happens in life."
"I love seeing how my students think through the design process and know that these are problem solving skills they will use all their lives."
"I think it’s great that a TinkRworks classroom is not a quiet classroom. To me, this is a huge success. Inquiry-based and project-based learning are all about the conversations and fun students have."
Learn More
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We’re here to help answer your questions about our curriculum, implementation, and pricing.