STEAM Success Story: St. Isaac Jogues School

STEAM Projects Implemented for Curriculum Enrichment

Challenge: St. Isaac’s was looking for a STEAM program that could enhance their focus on standards-based instruction, specifically the ability to support NGSS standards. Their plan was to implement this STEAM Program during their last period of the day, called WIN (what I need). St. Isaac’s students utilize WIN to get extra help on core subjects, go to the computer lab, receive speech/occupational therapy services or get a jump start on nightly homework assignments.

Solution: Katey Goll, a special education teacher at St. Isaac’s became interested in TinkRworks STEAM-X projects and curriculum when she first met Anu Mahajan, CEO and founder of TinkRworks. At the time, she was looking for opportunities for students to turn WIN time into a more focused period for development and enrichment. After looking through TinkRworks programs, St. Isaac’s chose two TinkRworks STEAM-X projects, Art Electric and TinkRdrone for the WIN period.