Strike Up the Fun with Hands-On Learning!
Ignite curiosity and creativity with this hands-on project where students explore the science of forces, motion, and collisions! Through engaging experiments, they’ll investigate how push and pull forces, materials, strength, speed, direction, and collision influence the movement of objects. As students program light sensors to track the pins that fall, they’ll enhance their coding skills and bring their projects to life. They’ll also compose dynamic music and create animations to celebrate strikes and spares, blending creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking that will energize your classroom and inspire innovation!
Key Concepts
Bowling, Pins, Lane, Strike, Spare, Gutter Ball, Push, Pull, Force, Circuit Board, Strength, Strong, Gentle, Distance, Light, Sensors, Programming, Bluetooth, Data, Datasheet, Opaque, Transparent, Translucent, Launcher, Texture, Smooth, Rough, Glide, Engineer, Musical Notes, Pitch, Octave, Scale, Tempo, Coding, LED, Display, Design, Collision, Calibration, Symbol
Essential Question
How can we use electronics and coding to help us understand strength and direction of forces?
Get a sneak peek at our STEAM curriculum and discover how Pushes, Pulls & Pins sparks creativity, coding skills, and hands-on learning in the classroom!
Summary of Standards
Sample Alignment: Kindergarten
Computer Science Teaching Association Standards (CSTA)
Students will select and operate appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks, use appropriate computer science terminology, and create and follow algorithms.
Common Core ELA
Students will participate in collaborative discussions, use grade-appropriate vocabulary, and ask and answer questions.
Common Core Math
Students will use drawings or objects to represent addition facts. They will fluently add numbers to solve addition problems.
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Students will plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
Students will work collaboratively with others, generate questions to deepen understanding of material, and use illustrations and context to clarify word meaning. They will use basic math strategies to solve problems.
Don’t see your standards here? Contact us to find out how this project aligns to your grade(s).
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