TinkRbot Scout​

Grades 3-5

TinkRworks TinkRbot Scout

Build, Code, and Explore: Unlock the World of Robotics!

Ignite your students’ curiosity with this hands-on robotics project, where they embark on an exciting journey of building, coding, and personalizing their own robots. From design to assembly and coding, students will strengthen essential skills in logic, programming, and engineering. As they tackle real-world challenges in our cloud-based coding environment, they’ll gain a deeper understanding of forces, interactions, and problem-solving. This engaging project not only fosters critical thinking and creativity but also empowers students to explore the endless possibilities in the world of robotics.

Key Concepts

Circuit, Conditionals, Control flow, Debugging, Duration, Electricity, Frequency, IR sensor, Jumper wires, LED, PCB, Program, RGB pixels, Syntax

Essential Question

How can we build, personalize, and program a robot that can meet a variety of challenges while expressing our individualism?

Get a sneak peek at our STEAM curriculum and discover how TinkRworks projects spark creativity, coding skills, and hands-on learning in the classroom!

Summary of Standards

Sample Alignment Grade 3

Computer Science Teaching Association Standards (CSTA)
Students will model how internal and external parts of computing devices work together, use data to highlight cause-and-effect relationships, create programs with sequences, events, and conditionals, and test a program to ensure that it runs as intended.

Common Core ELA
Students will learn new content specific vocabulary, engage in collaborative discussions, and review key ideas that are expressed.

Common Core Math
Students will generate patterns and add multi-digit numbers.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Students will learn about forces an interactions, the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces, wave properties, and electromagnetic radiation.

Don’t see your standards here? Contact us to find out how this project aligns to your grade(s).

"I would encourage other educators to engage with TinkRworks curriculum, and TinkRbot especially, because it is abundantly clear how impactful the instruction is on student learning and confidence. Even when students struggle, they persevere because they are invested in the outcome of their projects. They are learning grit and resilience through projects like TinkRbot, which is more important than any singular content area. Students are proud of their work and eager to showcase their TinkRbots. Any educator, regardless of experience teaching coding, will see success with a project like TinkRbot in their classroom."

MEGAN MATTUCCI | Middle School STEAM Teacher, S.E. Gross Middle School

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